opfunu.cec_based package

opfunu.cec_based.cec module

class opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark[source]

Bases: opfunu.benchmark.Benchmark, abc.ABC

Defines an abstract class for optimization benchmark problem.

All subclasses should implement the evaluate method for a particular optimization problem.


The lower/upper bounds of the problem. This a 2D-matrix of [lower, upper] array that contain the lower and upper bounds. By default, each problem has its own bounds. But user can try to put different bounds to test the problem.




The dimensionality of the problem. It is calculated from bounds




The lower bounds for the problem




The upper bounds for the problem




The global optimum of the evaluated function.




A list of vectors that provide the locations of the global minimum. Note that some problems have multiple global minima, not all of which may be listed.




The number of function evaluations that the object has been asked to calculate.




Whether we can change the benchmark function x variable length (i.e., the dimensionality of the problem)



check_matrix_data(f_matrix, needed_dim=True)[source]
check_ndim_and_bounds(ndim=None, dim_max=None, bounds=None, default_bounds=None)[source]

Check the bounds when initializing the object.

  • ndim (int) – The number of dimensions (variables)

  • dim_max (int) – The maximum number of dimensions (variables) that the problem is supported

  • bounds (list, tuple, np.ndarray) – List of lower bound and upper bound, should use default None value

  • default_bounds (np.ndarray) – List of initial lower bound and upper bound values

check_shift_matrix(f_shift, selected_idx=None)[source]
check_shuffle_data(f_shuffle, needed_dim=True)[source]
check_solution(x, dim_max=None, dim_support=None)[source]

Raise the error if the problem size is not equal to the solution length

  • x (np.ndarray) – The solution

  • dim_max (The maximum number of variables that the function is supported) –

  • dim_support (List of the supported dimensions) –

continuous = True
convex = True
differentiable = True
latex_formula = 'f(\\mathbf{x})'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-2\\pi, 2\\pi], \\forall i \\in \\llbracket 1, d\\rrbracket'
latex_formula_dimension = 'd \\in \\mathbb{N}_{+}^{*}'
latex_formula_global_optimum = 'f(0, ..., 0)=-1, \\text{ for}, m=5, \\beta=15'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'Benchmark name'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = False
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False

opfunu.cec_based.cec2005 module

class opfunu.cec_based.cec2005.F102005(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='data_rastrigin', f_matrix='rastrigin_M_D', f_bias=- 330.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Suganthan, P.N., Hansen, N., Liang, J.J., Deb, K., Chen, Y.P., Auger, A. and Tiwari, S., 2005.

Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2005 special session on real-parameter optimization. KanGAL report, 2005005(2005), p.2005.

continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_6(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D \\Big(100(z_i^2 - z_{i+1})^2 + (z_i-1)^2 \\Big) + bias; z=x-o+1;\\x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_6(x^*) = bias = 390.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F10: Shifted Rotated Rastrigin’s Function'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2005.F112005(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='data_weierstrass', f_matrix='weierstrass_M_D', f_bias=90.0, a=0.5, b=3, k_max=20)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Suganthan, P.N., Hansen, N., Liang, J.J., Deb, K., Chen, Y.P., Auger, A. and Tiwari, S., 2005.

Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2005 special session on real-parameter optimization. KanGAL report, 2005005(2005), p.2005.

continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_6(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D \\Big(100(z_i^2 - z_{i+1})^2 + (z_i-1)^2 \\Big) + bias; z=x-o+1;\\x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_6(x^*) = bias = 390.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F11: Shifted Rotated Weierstrass Function'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2005.F12005(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='data_sphere', f_bias=- 450.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Suganthan, P.N., Hansen, N., Liang, J.J., Deb, K., Chen, Y.P., Auger, A. and Tiwari, S., 2005.

Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2005 special session on real-parameter optimization. KanGAL report, 2005005(2005), p.2005.

continuous = True
convex = True
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = -450.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F1: Shifted Sphere Function'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = False
scalable = True
separable = True
shifted = True
unimodal = True
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2005.F122005(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='data_schwefel_213', f_bias=- 460.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Suganthan, P.N., Hansen, N., Liang, J.J., Deb, K., Chen, Y.P., Auger, A. and Tiwari, S., 2005.

Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2005 special session on real-parameter optimization. KanGAL report, 2005005(2005), p.2005.

continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_6(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D \\Big(100(z_i^2 - z_{i+1})^2 + (z_i-1)^2 \\Big) + bias; z=x-o+1;\\x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_6(x^*) = bias = 390.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F12: Schwefel’s Problem 2.13'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = False
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2005.F132005(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='data_EF8F2', f_bias=- 130.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Suganthan, P.N., Hansen, N., Liang, J.J., Deb, K., Chen, Y.P., Auger, A. and Tiwari, S., 2005.

Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2005 special session on real-parameter optimization. KanGAL report, 2005005(2005), p.2005.

continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_5(x) = max{\\Big| A_ix - B_i \\Big|} + bias; i=1,...,D; x=[x_1, ..., x_D];\\\\A: \\text{is D*D matrix}, a_{ij}: \\text{are integer random numbers in range [-500, 500]};\\\\det(A) \\neq 0; A_i: \\text{is the } i^{th} \\text{ row of A.}\\\\B_i = A_i * o, o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}\\\\ \\text{After load the data file, set } o_i=-100, \\text{ for } i=1,2,...[D/4], \\text{and }o_i=100 \\text{ for } i=[3D/4,...,D]'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_5(x^*) = bias = -310.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F13: Shifted Expanded Griewank’s plus Rosenbrock’s Function (F8F2)'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = False
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2005.F142005(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='data_E_ScafferF6', f_matrix='E_ScafferF6_M_D', f_bias=- 300.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Suganthan, P.N., Hansen, N., Liang, J.J., Deb, K., Chen, Y.P., Auger, A. and Tiwari, S., 2005.

Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2005 special session on real-parameter optimization. KanGAL report, 2005005(2005), p.2005.

continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_6(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D \\Big(100(z_i^2 - z_{i+1})^2 + (z_i-1)^2 \\Big) + bias; z=x-o+1;\\x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_6(x^*) = bias = 390.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F14: Shifted Rotated Expanded Scaffer’s F6 Function'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = False
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2005.F152005(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='data_hybrid_func1', f_bias=120.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Suganthan, P.N., Hansen, N., Liang, J.J., Deb, K., Chen, Y.P., Auger, A. and Tiwari, S., 2005.

Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2005 special session on real-parameter optimization. KanGAL report, 2005005(2005), p.2005.

continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


fi__(x, idx)[source]
latex_formula = 'F_6(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D \\Big(100(z_i^2 - z_{i+1})^2 + (z_i-1)^2 \\Big) + bias; z=x-o+1;\\x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_6(x^*) = bias = 390.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F15: Hybrid Composition Function'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = False
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2005.F162005(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='data_hybrid_func1', f_matrix='hybrid_func1_M_D', f_bias=120.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Suganthan, P.N., Hansen, N., Liang, J.J., Deb, K., Chen, Y.P., Auger, A. and Tiwari, S., 2005.

Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2005 special session on real-parameter optimization. KanGAL report, 2005005(2005), p.2005.

continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


fi__(x, idx)[source]
latex_formula = 'F_6(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D \\Big(100(z_i^2 - z_{i+1})^2 + (z_i-1)^2 \\Big) + bias; z=x-o+1;\\x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_6(x^*) = bias = 390.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F16: Rotated Version of Hybrid Composition Function F15'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2005.F172005(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='data_hybrid_func1', f_matrix='hybrid_func1_M_D', f_bias=120.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2005.F162005


Suganthan, P.N., Hansen, N., Liang, J.J., Deb, K., Chen, Y.P., Auger, A. and Tiwari, S., 2005.

Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2005 special session on real-parameter optimization. KanGAL report, 2005005(2005), p.2005.

evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_6(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D \\Big(100(z_i^2 - z_{i+1})^2 + (z_i-1)^2 \\Big) + bias; z=x-o+1;\\x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_6(x^*) = bias = 390.0'
name = 'F17: F16 with Noise in Fitness'
randomized_term = True
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2005.F182005(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='data_hybrid_func2', f_matrix='hybrid_func2_M_D', f_bias=10.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Suganthan, P.N., Hansen, N., Liang, J.J., Deb, K., Chen, Y.P., Auger, A. and Tiwari, S., 2005.

Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2005 special session on real-parameter optimization. KanGAL report, 2005005(2005), p.2005.

continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


fi__(x, idx)[source]
latex_formula = 'F_6(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D \\Big(100(z_i^2 - z_{i+1})^2 + (z_i-1)^2 \\Big) + bias; z=x-o+1;\\x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_6(x^*) = bias = 390.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F18: Rotated Hybrid Composition Function'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2005.F192005(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='data_hybrid_func2', f_matrix='hybrid_func2_M_D', f_bias=10.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2005.F182005


Suganthan, P.N., Hansen, N., Liang, J.J., Deb, K., Chen, Y.P., Auger, A. and Tiwari, S., 2005.

Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2005 special session on real-parameter optimization. KanGAL report, 2005005(2005), p.2005.

latex_formula = 'F_6(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D \\Big(100(z_i^2 - z_{i+1})^2 + (z_i-1)^2 \\Big) + bias; z=x-o+1;\\x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_6(x^*) = bias = 390.0'
name = 'F19: Rotated Hybrid Composition Function with narrow basin global optimum'
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2005.F202005(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='data_hybrid_func2', f_matrix='hybrid_func2_M_D', f_bias=10.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2005.F182005


Suganthan, P.N., Hansen, N., Liang, J.J., Deb, K., Chen, Y.P., Auger, A. and Tiwari, S., 2005.

Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2005 special session on real-parameter optimization. KanGAL report, 2005005(2005), p.2005.

latex_formula = 'F_6(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D \\Big(100(z_i^2 - z_{i+1})^2 + (z_i-1)^2 \\Big) + bias; z=x-o+1;\\x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_6(x^*) = bias = 390.0'
name = 'F20: Rotated Hybrid Composition Function with Global Optimum on the Bounds'
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2005.F212005(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='data_hybrid_func3', f_matrix='hybrid_func3_M_D', f_bias=360.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Suganthan, P.N., Hansen, N., Liang, J.J., Deb, K., Chen, Y.P., Auger, A. and Tiwari, S., 2005.

Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2005 special session on real-parameter optimization. KanGAL report, 2005005(2005), p.2005.

continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


fi__(x, idx)[source]
latex_formula = 'F_6(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D \\Big(100(z_i^2 - z_{i+1})^2 + (z_i-1)^2 \\Big) + bias; z=x-o+1;\\x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_6(x^*) = bias = 390.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F21: Rotated Hybrid Composition Function'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2005.F22005(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='data_schwefel_102', f_bias=- 450.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Suganthan, P.N., Hansen, N., Liang, J.J., Deb, K., Chen, Y.P., Auger, A. and Tiwari, S., 2005.

Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2005 special session on real-parameter optimization. KanGAL report, 2005005(2005), p.2005.

continuous = True
convex = True
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_2(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D (\\sum_{j=1}^i z_j)^2 + bias, z=x-o, \\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_2(x^*) = bias = -450.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F2: Shifted Schwefel’s Problem 1.2'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = False
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = True
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2005.F222005(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='data_hybrid_func3', f_matrix='hybrid_func3_HM_D', f_bias=360.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2005.F212005


Suganthan, P.N., Hansen, N., Liang, J.J., Deb, K., Chen, Y.P., Auger, A. and Tiwari, S., 2005.

Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2005 special session on real-parameter optimization. KanGAL report, 2005005(2005), p.2005.

latex_formula = 'F_6(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D \\Big(100(z_i^2 - z_{i+1})^2 + (z_i-1)^2 \\Big) + bias; z=x-o+1;\\x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_6(x^*) = bias = 390.0'
name = 'F22: Rotated Hybrid Composition Function with High Condition Number Matrix'
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2005.F232005(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='data_hybrid_func3', f_matrix='hybrid_func3_M_D', f_bias=360.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2005.F212005


Suganthan, P.N., Hansen, N., Liang, J.J., Deb, K., Chen, Y.P., Auger, A. and Tiwari, S., 2005.

Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2005 special session on real-parameter optimization. KanGAL report, 2005005(2005), p.2005.

continuous = False
differentiable = False
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_6(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D \\Big(100(z_i^2 - z_{i+1})^2 + (z_i-1)^2 \\Big) + bias; z=x-o+1;\\x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_6(x^*) = bias = 390.0'
name = 'F21: Rotated Hybrid Composition Function'
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2005.F242005(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='data_hybrid_func4', f_matrix='hybrid_func4_M_D', f_bias=260.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Suganthan, P.N., Hansen, N., Liang, J.J., Deb, K., Chen, Y.P., Auger, A. and Tiwari, S., 2005.

Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2005 special session on real-parameter optimization. KanGAL report, 2005005(2005), p.2005.

continuous = False
convex = False
differentiable = False
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


fi__(x, idx)[source]
latex_formula = 'F_6(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D \\Big(100(z_i^2 - z_{i+1})^2 + (z_i-1)^2 \\Big) + bias; z=x-o+1;\\x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_6(x^*) = bias = 390.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F24: Rotated Hybrid Composition Function'
parametric = True
randomized_term = True
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2005.F252005(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='data_hybrid_func4', f_matrix='hybrid_func4_M_D', f_bias=260.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2005.F242005


Suganthan, P.N., Hansen, N., Liang, J.J., Deb, K., Chen, Y.P., Auger, A. and Tiwari, S., 2005.

Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2005 special session on real-parameter optimization. KanGAL report, 2005005(2005), p.2005.

latex_formula = 'F_6(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D \\Big(100(z_i^2 - z_{i+1})^2 + (z_i-1)^2 \\Big) + bias; z=x-o+1;\\x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_6(x^*) = bias = 390.0'
name = 'F25: Rotated Hybrid Composition Function without bounds'
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2005.F32005(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='data_high_cond_elliptic_rot', f_matrix='elliptic_M_D', f_bias=- 450.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Suganthan, P.N., Hansen, N., Liang, J.J., Deb, K., Chen, Y.P., Auger, A. and Tiwari, S., 2005.

Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2005 special session on real-parameter optimization. KanGAL report, 2005005(2005), p.2005.

continuous = True
convex = True
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_3(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D (10^6)^{\\frac{i-1}{D-1}} z_i^2 + bias; \\\\ z=(x-o).M; x=[x_1, ..., x_D], \\\\o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}\\\\ M: \\text{orthogonal matrix}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = 'D \\in [10, 30, 50]'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_3(x^*) = bias = -450.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F3: Shifted Rotated High Conditioned Elliptic Function'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = False
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = True
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2005.F42005(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='data_schwefel_102', f_bias=- 450.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Suganthan, P.N., Hansen, N., Liang, J.J., Deb, K., Chen, Y.P., Auger, A. and Tiwari, S., 2005.

Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2005 special session on real-parameter optimization. KanGAL report, 2005005(2005), p.2005.

continuous = True
convex = True
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_4(x) = \\Big(\\sum_{i=1}^D (\\sum_{j=1}^i)^2\\Big)*\\Big(1 + 0.4|N(0, 1)|\\Big)+ bias;\\\\ z=(x-o).M; x=[x_1, ..., x_D], \\\\o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}\\\\ N(0,1): \\text{gaussian noise}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_4(x^*) = bias = -450.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F4: Shifted Schwefel’s Problem 1.2 with Noise in Fitness'
parametric = True
randomized_term = True
rotated = False
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = True
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2005.F52005(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='data_schwefel_206', f_bias=- 310.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Suganthan, P.N., Hansen, N., Liang, J.J., Deb, K., Chen, Y.P., Auger, A. and Tiwari, S., 2005.

Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2005 special session on real-parameter optimization. KanGAL report, 2005005(2005), p.2005.

continuous = False
convex = True
differentiable = False
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_5(x) = max{\\Big| A_ix - B_i \\Big|} + bias; i=1,...,D; x=[x_1, ..., x_D];\\\\A: \\text{is D*D matrix}, a_{ij}: \\text{are integer random numbers in range [-500, 500]};\\\\det(A) \\neq 0; A_i: \\text{is the } i^{th} \\text{ row of A.}\\\\B_i = A_i * o, o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}\\\\ \\text{After load the data file, set } o_i=-100, \\text{ for } i=1,2,...[D/4], \\text{and }o_i=100 \\text{ for } i=[3D/4,...,D]'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_5(x^*) = bias = -310.0'
linear = True
modality = True
name = 'F5: Schwefel’s Problem 2.6 with Global Optimum on Bounds'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = False
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = True
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2005.F62005(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='data_rosenbrock', f_bias=390.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Suganthan, P.N., Hansen, N., Liang, J.J., Deb, K., Chen, Y.P., Auger, A. and Tiwari, S., 2005.

Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2005 special session on real-parameter optimization. KanGAL report, 2005005(2005), p.2005.

continuous = True
convex = True
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_6(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D \\Big(100(z_i^2 - z_{i+1})^2 + (z_i-1)^2 \\Big) + bias; z=x-o+1;\\x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_6(x^*) = bias = 390.0'
linear = False
modality = False
name = 'F6: Shifted Rosenbrock’s Function'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = False
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2005.F72005(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='data_griewank', f_matrix='griewank_M_D', f_bias=- 180.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Suganthan, P.N., Hansen, N., Liang, J.J., Deb, K., Chen, Y.P., Auger, A. and Tiwari, S., 2005.

Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2005 special session on real-parameter optimization. KanGAL report, 2005005(2005), p.2005.

continuous = True
convex = True
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_6(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D \\Big(100(z_i^2 - z_{i+1})^2 + (z_i-1)^2 \\Big) + bias; z=x-o+1;\\x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_6(x^*) = bias = 390.0'
linear = False
modality = False
name = 'F7: Shifted Rotated Griewank’s Function without Bounds'
parametric = True
randomized_term = True
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2005.F82005(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='data_ackley', f_matrix='ackley_M_D', f_bias=- 140.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Suganthan, P.N., Hansen, N., Liang, J.J., Deb, K., Chen, Y.P., Auger, A. and Tiwari, S., 2005.

Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2005 special session on real-parameter optimization. KanGAL report, 2005005(2005), p.2005.

continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_6(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D \\Big(100(z_i^2 - z_{i+1})^2 + (z_i-1)^2 \\Big) + bias; z=x-o+1;\\x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_6(x^*) = bias = 390.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F8: Shifted Rotated Ackley’s Function with Global Optimum on Bounds'
parametric = True
randomized_term = True
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2005.F92005(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='data_rastrigin', f_bias=- 330.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Suganthan, P.N., Hansen, N., Liang, J.J., Deb, K., Chen, Y.P., Auger, A. and Tiwari, S., 2005.

Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2005 special session on real-parameter optimization. KanGAL report, 2005005(2005), p.2005.

continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_5(x) = max{\\Big| A_ix - B_i \\Big|} + bias; i=1,...,D; x=[x_1, ..., x_D];\\\\A: \\text{is D*D matrix}, a_{ij}: \\text{are integer random numbers in range [-500, 500]};\\\\det(A) \\neq 0; A_i: \\text{is the } i^{th} \\text{ row of A.}\\\\B_i = A_i * o, o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}\\\\ \\text{After load the data file, set } o_i=-100, \\text{ for } i=1,2,...[D/4], \\text{and }o_i=100 \\text{ for } i=[3D/4,...,D]'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_5(x^*) = bias = -310.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F9: Shifted Rastrigin’s Function'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = False
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False

opfunu.cec_based.cec2008 module

class opfunu.cec_based.cec2008.F12008(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='sphere_shift_func_data', f_bias=- 450.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Tang, K., Yáo, X., Suganthan, P. N., MacNish, C., Chen, Y. P., Chen, C. M., & Yang, Z. (2007). Benchmark functions

for the CEC’2008 special session and competition on large scale global optimization. Nature inspired computation and applications laboratory, USTC, China, 24, 1-18.

continuous = True
convex = True
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = -450.0'
linear = False
modality = False
name = 'F1: Shifted Sphere Function'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = False
scalable = True
separable = True
shifted = True
unimodal = True
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2008.F22008(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='schwefel_shift_func_data', f_bias=- 450.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Tang, K., Yáo, X., Suganthan, P. N., MacNish, C., Chen, Y. P., Chen, C. M., & Yang, Z. (2007). Benchmark functions

for the CEC’2008 special session and competition on large scale global optimization. Nature inspired computation and applications laboratory, USTC, China, 24, 1-18.

continuous = False
convex = True
differentiable = False
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = -450.0'
linear = True
modality = False
name = 'F2: Schwefel’s Problem 2.21'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = False
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = True
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2008.F32008(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='rosenbrock_shift_func_data', f_bias=- 390.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Tang, K., Yáo, X., Suganthan, P. N., MacNish, C., Chen, Y. P., Chen, C. M., & Yang, Z. (2007). Benchmark functions

for the CEC’2008 special session and competition on large scale global optimization. Nature inspired computation and applications laboratory, USTC, China, 24, 1-18.

continuous = True
convex = True
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = -450.0'
linear = False
modality = False
name = 'F3: Shifted Rosenbrock’s Function'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = False
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2008.F42008(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='rastrigin_shift_func_data', f_bias=- 330.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Tang, K., Yáo, X., Suganthan, P. N., MacNish, C., Chen, Y. P., Chen, C. M., & Yang, Z. (2007). Benchmark functions

for the CEC’2008 special session and competition on large scale global optimization. Nature inspired computation and applications laboratory, USTC, China, 24, 1-18.

continuous = True
convex = True
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = -450.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F4: Shifted Rastrigin’s Function'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = False
scalable = True
separable = True
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2008.F52008(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='griewank_shift_func_data', f_bias=- 180.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Tang, K., Yáo, X., Suganthan, P. N., MacNish, C., Chen, Y. P., Chen, C. M., & Yang, Z. (2007). Benchmark functions

for the CEC’2008 special session and competition on large scale global optimization. Nature inspired computation and applications laboratory, USTC, China, 24, 1-18.

continuous = True
convex = True
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = -450.0'
linear = False
modality = False
name = 'F5: Shifted Griewank’s Function'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = False
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2008.F62008(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='ackley_shift_func_data', f_bias=- 140.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Tang, K., Yáo, X., Suganthan, P. N., MacNish, C., Chen, Y. P., Chen, C. M., & Yang, Z. (2007). Benchmark functions

for the CEC’2008 special session and competition on large scale global optimization. Nature inspired computation and applications laboratory, USTC, China, 24, 1-18.

continuous = True
convex = True
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = -450.0'
linear = False
modality = False
name = 'F6: Shifted Ackley’s Function'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = False
scalable = True
separable = True
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2008.F72008(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='rastrigin_shift_func_data', f_bias=0.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Tang, K., Yáo, X., Suganthan, P. N., MacNish, C., Chen, Y. P., Chen, C. M., & Yang, Z. (2007). Benchmark functions

for the CEC’2008 special session and competition on large scale global optimization. Nature inspired computation and applications laboratory, USTC, China, 24, 1-18.

continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = False
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = unknown, F_1(x^*) = unknown'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F7: FastFractal “DoubleDip” Function'
parametric = True
randomized_term = True
rotated = False
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False

opfunu.cec_based.cec2010 module

class opfunu.cec_based.cec2010.F102010(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='f10_op', f_matrix='f10_m', m_group=50)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2010.F92010


Benchmark Functions for the CEC’2010 Special Session and Competition on Large-Scale Global Optimization

evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = 0'
name = 'F10: D/2m-group Shifted and m-rotated Rastrigin’s Function'
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2010.F112010(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='f11_op', f_matrix='f11_m', m_group=50)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2010.F92010


Benchmark Functions for the CEC’2010 Special Session and Competition on Large-Scale Global Optimization

evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = 0'
name = 'F11: D/2m-group Shifted and m-rotated Ackley’s Function'
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2010.F12010(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='f01_o')[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Benchmark Functions for the CEC’2010 Special Session and Competition on Large-Scale Global Optimization

continuous = True
convex = True
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = 0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F1: Shifted Elliptic Function'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = False
scalable = True
separable = True
shifted = True
unimodal = True
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2010.F122010(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='f11_op', m_group=50)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2010.F72010


Benchmark Functions for the CEC’2010 Special Session and Competition on Large-Scale Global Optimization

evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = 0'
name = 'F12: D/2m-group Shifted m-dimensional Schwefel’s Problem 1.2'
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2010.F132010(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='f13_op', m_group=50)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2010.F72010


Benchmark Functions for the CEC’2010 Special Session and Competition on Large-Scale Global Optimization

evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = 0'
name = 'F13: D/2m-group Shifted m-dimensional Rosenbrock’s Function'
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2010.F142010(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='f14_op', f_matrix='f14_m', m_group=50)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2010.F92010


Benchmark Functions for the CEC’2010 Special Session and Competition on Large-Scale Global Optimization

evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = 0'
name = 'F14: D/m-group Shifted and m-rotated Elliptic Function'
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2010.F152010(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='f15_op', f_matrix='f15_m', m_group=50)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2010.F92010


Benchmark Functions for the CEC’2010 Special Session and Competition on Large-Scale Global Optimization

evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = 0'
name = 'F15: D/m-group Shifted and m-rotated Rastrigin’s Function'
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2010.F162010(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='f16_op', f_matrix='f16_m', m_group=50)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2010.F92010


Benchmark Functions for the CEC’2010 Special Session and Competition on Large-Scale Global Optimization

evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = 0'
name = 'F16: D/m-group Shifted and m-rotated Ackley’s Function'
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2010.F172010(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='f17_op', m_group=50)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2010.F72010


Benchmark Functions for the CEC’2010 Special Session and Competition on Large-Scale Global Optimization

evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = 0'
name = 'F17: D/m-group Shifted m-dimensional Schwefel’s Problem 1.2'
unimodal = True
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2010.F182010(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='f18_op', m_group=50)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2010.F72010


Benchmark Functions for the CEC’2010 Special Session and Competition on Large-Scale Global Optimization

evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = 0'
name = 'F18: D/m-group Shifted m-dimensional Rosenbrock’s Function'
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2010.F192010(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='f19_o')[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2010.F12010


Benchmark Functions for the CEC’2010 Special Session and Competition on Large-Scale Global Optimization

evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = 0'
name = 'F19: Shifted Schwefel’s Problem 1.2'
separable = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2010.F202010(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='f20_o')[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2010.F12010


Benchmark Functions for the CEC’2010 Special Session and Competition on Large-Scale Global Optimization

evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = 0'
name = 'F20: Shifted Rosenbrock’s Function'
separable = False
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2010.F22010(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='f02_o')[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2010.F12010


Benchmark Functions for the CEC’2010 Special Session and Competition on Large-Scale Global Optimization

evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = 0'
name = 'F2: Shifted Rastrigin’s Function'
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2010.F32010(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='f03_o')[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2010.F12010


Benchmark Functions for the CEC’2010 Special Session and Competition on Large-Scale Global Optimization

evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = 0'
name = 'F3: Shifted Ackley’s Function'
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2010.F42010(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='f04_op', f_matrix='f04_m', m_group=50)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Benchmark Functions for the CEC’2010 Special Session and Competition on Large-Scale Global Optimization

continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = 0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F4: Single-group Shifted and m-rotated Elliptic Function'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = True
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2010.F52010(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='f05_op', f_matrix='f05_m', m_group=50)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2010.F42010


Benchmark Functions for the CEC’2010 Special Session and Competition on Large-Scale Global Optimization

evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = 0'
name = 'F5: Single-group Shifted and m-rotated Rastrigin’s Function'
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2010.F62010(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='f06_op', f_matrix='f06_m', m_group=50)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2010.F42010


Benchmark Functions for the CEC’2010 Special Session and Competition on Large-Scale Global Optimization

evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = 0'
name = 'F6: Single-group Shifted and m-rotated Ackley’s Function'
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2010.F72010(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='f07_op', m_group=50)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Benchmark Functions for the CEC’2010 Special Session and Competition on Large-Scale Global Optimization

continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = 0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F7: Single-group Shifted m-dimensional Schwefel’s Problem 1.2'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = False
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = True
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2010.F82010(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='f08_op', m_group=50)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2010.F72010


Benchmark Functions for the CEC’2010 Special Session and Competition on Large-Scale Global Optimization

evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = 0'
name = 'F8: Single-group Shifted m-dimensional Rosenbrock’s Function'
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2010.F92010(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='f09_op', f_matrix='f09_m', m_group=50)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Benchmark Functions for the CEC’2010 Special Session and Competition on Large-Scale Global Optimization

continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = 0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F9: D/2m-group Shifted and m-rotated Elliptic Function'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = True

opfunu.cec_based.cec2013 module

class opfunu.cec_based.cec2013.F102013(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data', f_matrix='M_D', f_bias=- 500.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2013.F22013


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., Suganthan, P. N., & Hernández-Díaz, A. G. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria

for the CEC 2013 special session on real-parameter optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Technical Report, 201212(34), 281-295..

characteristics = []
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = -500.0'
name = 'F10: Rotated Griewank’s Function'
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2013.F112013(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data', f_bias=- 400.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2013.F12013


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., Suganthan, P. N., & Hernández-Díaz, A. G. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria

for the CEC 2013 special session on real-parameter optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Technical Report, 201212(34), 281-295..

characteristics = ['Asymmetrical', 'Local optima’s number is huge']
convex = False
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = -400.0'
modality = True
name = 'F11: Rastrigin’s Function'
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2013.F12013(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data', f_bias=- 1400.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., Suganthan, P. N., & Hernández-Díaz, A. G. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria

for the CEC 2013 special session on real-parameter optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Technical Report, 201212(34), 281-295..

continuous = True
convex = True
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = -1400.0'
linear = False
modality = False
name = 'F1: Sphere Function'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = False
scalable = True
separable = True
shifted = True
unimodal = True
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2013.F122013(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data', f_matrix='M_D', f_bias=- 300.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2013.F32013


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., Suganthan, P. N., & Hernández-Díaz, A. G. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria

for the CEC 2013 special session on real-parameter optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Technical Report, 201212(34), 281-295..

characteristics = ['Asymmetrical', 'Local optima’s number is huge']
convex = False
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = -300.0'
modality = True
name = 'F12: Rotated Rastrigin’s Function'
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2013.F132013(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data', f_matrix='M_D', f_bias=- 200.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2013.F32013


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., Suganthan, P. N., & Hernández-Díaz, A. G. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria

for the CEC 2013 special session on real-parameter optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Technical Report, 201212(34), 281-295..

characteristics = ['Asymmetrical', 'Local optima’s number is huge']
continuous = False
convex = False
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = -200.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F13: Non-continuous Rotated Rastrigin’s Function'
separable = False
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2013.F142013(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data', f_bias=- 100.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2013.F12013


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., Suganthan, P. N., & Hernández-Díaz, A. G. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria

for the CEC 2013 special session on real-parameter optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Technical Report, 201212(34), 281-295..

characteristics = ['Asymmetrical', 'Local optima’s number is huge', 'Second better local optimum is far from the global optimum']
continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = False
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = -100.0'
modality = True
name = 'F14: Schwefel’s Function'
rotated = True
separable = False
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2013.F152013(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data', f_matrix='M_D', f_bias=100.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2013.F22013


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., Suganthan, P. N., & Hernández-Díaz, A. G. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria

for the CEC 2013 special session on real-parameter optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Technical Report, 201212(34), 281-295..

characteristics = ['Asymmetrical', 'Local optima’s number is huge', 'The second better local optimum is far from the global optimum']
continuous = True
convex = False
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 100.0'
modality = True
name = 'F15: Rotated Schwefel’s Function'
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2013.F162013(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data', f_matrix='M_D', f_bias=200.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2013.F32013


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., Suganthan, P. N., & Hernández-Díaz, A. G. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria

for the CEC 2013 special session on real-parameter optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Technical Report, 201212(34), 281-295..

characteristics = ['Asymmetrical', 'Continuous everywhere yet differentiable nowhere']
convex = False
differentiable = False
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 200.0'
modality = True
name = 'F16: Rotated Katsuura Function'
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2013.F172013(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data', f_bias=300.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2013.F12013


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., Suganthan, P. N., & Hernández-Díaz, A. G. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria

for the CEC 2013 special session on real-parameter optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Technical Report, 201212(34), 281-295..

convex = False
differentiable = False
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 300.0'
modality = True
name = 'F17: Lunacek bi-Rastrigin Function'
separable = False
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2013.F182013(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data', f_matrix='M_D', f_bias=400.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2013.F32013


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., Suganthan, P. N., & Hernández-Díaz, A. G. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria

for the CEC 2013 special session on real-parameter optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Technical Report, 201212(34), 281-295..

characteristics = ['Asymmetrical', 'Continuous everywhere yet differentiable nowhere']
continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = False
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 400.0'
modality = False
name = 'F18: Rotated Lunacek bi-Rastrigin Function'
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2013.F192013(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data', f_matrix='M_D', f_bias=500.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2013.F22013


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., Suganthan, P. N., & Hernández-Díaz, A. G. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria

for the CEC 2013 special session on real-parameter optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Technical Report, 201212(34), 281-295..

characteristics = []
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 500.0'
modality = True
name = 'F19: Rotated Expanded Griewank’s plus Rosenbrock’s Function'
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2013.F202013(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data', f_matrix='M_D', f_bias=600.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2013.F32013


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., Suganthan, P. N., & Hernández-Díaz, A. G. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria

for the CEC 2013 special session on real-parameter optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Technical Report, 201212(34), 281-295..

characteristics = ['Asymmetrical']
convex = False
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 600.0'
modality = True
name = 'F20: Rotated Expanded Scaffer’s F6 Function'
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2013.F212013(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data', f_matrix='M_D', f_bias=700.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., Suganthan, P. N., & Hernández-Díaz, A. G. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria

for the CEC 2013 special session on real-parameter optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Technical Report, 201212(34), 281-295..

characteristics = ['Asymmetrical', 'Different properties around different local optima']
continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 700.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F21: Composition Function 1'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2013.F22013(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data', f_matrix='M_D', f_bias=- 1300.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., Suganthan, P. N., & Hernández-Díaz, A. G. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria

for the CEC 2013 special session on real-parameter optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Technical Report, 201212(34), 281-295..

characteristics = ['Quadratic ill-conditioned', 'Smooth local irregularities']
continuous = True
convex = True
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = -1300.0'
linear = False
modality = False
name = 'F2: Rotated High Conditioned Elliptic Function'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = True
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2013.F222013(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data', f_bias=800.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., Suganthan, P. N., & Hernández-Díaz, A. G. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria

for the CEC 2013 special session on real-parameter optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Technical Report, 201212(34), 281-295..

characteristics = ['Asymmetrical', 'Different properties around different local optima']
continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 800.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F22: Composition Function 2'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = True
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2013.F232013(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data', f_matrix='M_D', f_bias=900.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., Suganthan, P. N., & Hernández-Díaz, A. G. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria

for the CEC 2013 special session on real-parameter optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Technical Report, 201212(34), 281-295..

characteristics = ['Asymmetrical', 'Different properties around different local optima']
continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 900.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F23: Composition Function 3'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2013.F242013(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data', f_matrix='M_D', f_bias=1000.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., Suganthan, P. N., & Hernández-Díaz, A. G. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria

for the CEC 2013 special session on real-parameter optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Technical Report, 201212(34), 281-295..

characteristics = ['Asymmetrical', 'Different properties around different local optima']
continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 1000.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F24: Composition Function 4'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2013.F252013(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data', f_matrix='M_D', f_bias=1100.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2013.F242013


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., Suganthan, P. N., & Hernández-Díaz, A. G. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria

for the CEC 2013 special session on real-parameter optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Technical Report, 201212(34), 281-295..

latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 1100.0'
name = 'F25: Composition Function 5'
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2013.F262013(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data', f_matrix='M_D', f_bias=1200.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., Suganthan, P. N., & Hernández-Díaz, A. G. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria

for the CEC 2013 special session on real-parameter optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Technical Report, 201212(34), 281-295..

characteristics = ['Asymmetrical', 'Different properties around different local optima']
continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 1200.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F26: Composition Function 6'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2013.F272013(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data', f_matrix='M_D', f_bias=1300.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., Suganthan, P. N., & Hernández-Díaz, A. G. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria

for the CEC 2013 special session on real-parameter optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Technical Report, 201212(34), 281-295..

characteristics = ['Asymmetrical', 'Different properties around different local optima']
continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 1300.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F27: Composition Function 7'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2013.F282013(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data', f_matrix='M_D', f_bias=1400.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., Suganthan, P. N., & Hernández-Díaz, A. G. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria

for the CEC 2013 special session on real-parameter optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Technical Report, 201212(34), 281-295..

characteristics = ['Asymmetrical', 'Different properties around different local optima']
continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 1400.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F28: Composition Function 8'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2013.F32013(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data', f_matrix='M_D', f_bias=- 1200.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., Suganthan, P. N., & Hernández-Díaz, A. G. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria

for the CEC 2013 special session on real-parameter optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Technical Report, 201212(34), 281-295..

characteristics = ['Smooth but narrow ridge']
continuous = True
convex = True
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = -1200.0'
linear = False
modality = False
name = 'F3: Rotated Bent Cigar Function'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = True
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2013.F42013(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data', f_matrix='M_D', f_bias=- 1100.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2013.F22013


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., Suganthan, P. N., & Hernández-Díaz, A. G. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria

for the CEC 2013 special session on real-parameter optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Technical Report, 201212(34), 281-295..

characteristics = ['Asymmetrical', 'Smooth local irregularities', 'With one sensitive direction']
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = -1100.0'
name = 'F4: Rotated Discus Function'
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2013.F52013(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data', f_bias=- 1000.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2013.F12013


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., Suganthan, P. N., & Hernández-Díaz, A. G. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria

for the CEC 2013 special session on real-parameter optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Technical Report, 201212(34), 281-295..

characteristics = ['Sensitivities of the zi-variables are different']
continuous = False
differentiable = False
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = -1000.0'
name = 'F5: Different Powers Function'
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2013.F62013(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data', f_matrix='M_D', f_bias=- 900.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2013.F22013


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., Suganthan, P. N., & Hernández-Díaz, A. G. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria

for the CEC 2013 special session on real-parameter optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Technical Report, 201212(34), 281-295..

characteristics = ['Having a very narrow valley from local optimum to global optimum']
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = -900.0'
name = 'F6: Rotated Rosenbrock’s Function'
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2013.F72013(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data', f_matrix='M_D', f_bias=- 800.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2013.F32013


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., Suganthan, P. N., & Hernández-Díaz, A. G. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria

for the CEC 2013 special session on real-parameter optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Technical Report, 201212(34), 281-295..

characteristics = ['Asymmetrical', 'Local optima’s number is huge']
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = -800.0'
modality = True
name = 'F7: Rotated Schaffers F7 Function'
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2013.F82013(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data', f_matrix='M_D', f_bias=- 700.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2013.F32013


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., Suganthan, P. N., & Hernández-Díaz, A. G. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria

for the CEC 2013 special session on real-parameter optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Technical Report, 201212(34), 281-295..

characteristics = ['Asymmetrical']
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = -700.0'
name = 'F8: Rotated Ackley’s Function'
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2013.F92013(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data', f_matrix='M_D', f_bias=- 600.0, a=0.5, b=3.0, k_max=20)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2013.F32013


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., Suganthan, P. N., & Hernández-Díaz, A. G. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria

for the CEC 2013 special session on real-parameter optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Technical Report, 201212(34), 281-295..

characteristics = ['Asymmetrical', 'Continuous but differentiable only on a set of points']
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = -600.0'
modality = True
name = 'F9: Rotated Weierstrass Function'
unimodal = False

opfunu.cec_based.cec2014 module

class opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F102014(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_10', f_bias=1000.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F82014


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., & Suganthan, P. N. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2014

special session and competition on single objective real-parameter numerical optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou China and Technical Report, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 635, 490.

characteristics = ['Local optima’s number is huge', 'The second better local optimum is far from the global optimum']
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 1000.0'
name = 'F10: Shifted Schwefel’s Function'
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F112014(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_11', f_matrix='M_11_D', f_bias=1100.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F12014


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., & Suganthan, P. N. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2014

special session and competition on single objective real-parameter numerical optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou China and Technical Report, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 635, 490.

characteristics = ['Local optima’s number is huge', 'The second better local optimum is far from the global optimum']
convex = False
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 1100.0'
modality = True
name = 'F11: Shifted and Rotated Schwefel’s Function'
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F12014(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_1', f_matrix='M_1_D', f_bias=100.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., & Suganthan, P. N. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2014

special session and competition on single objective real-parameter numerical optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou China and Technical Report, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 635, 490.

characteristics = ['Quadratic ill-conditioned', 'Smooth local irregularities']
continuous = True
convex = True
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 100.0'
linear = False
modality = False
name = 'F1: Rotated High Conditioned Elliptic Function'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = True
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F122014(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_12', f_matrix='M_12_D', f_bias=1200.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F12014


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., & Suganthan, P. N. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2014

special session and competition on single objective real-parameter numerical optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou China and Technical Report, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 635, 490.

characteristics = ['Continuous everywhere yet differentiable nowhere']
convex = False
differentiable = False
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 1200.0'
modality = True
name = 'F12: Shifted and Rotated Katsuura Function'
separable = False
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F132014(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_13', f_matrix='M_13_D', f_bias=1300.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F12014


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., & Suganthan, P. N. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2014

special session and competition on single objective real-parameter numerical optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou China and Technical Report, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 635, 490.

characteristics = []
continuous = False
convex = True
differentiable = False
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 1300.0'
name = 'F13: Shifted and Rotated HappyCat Function'
separable = False
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F142014(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_14', f_matrix='M_14_D', f_bias=1400.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F12014


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., & Suganthan, P. N. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2014

special session and competition on single objective real-parameter numerical optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou China and Technical Report, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 635, 490.

characteristics = []
continuous = True
convex = True
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 1400.0'
modality = False
name = 'F14: Shifted and Rotated HGBat Function'
separable = False
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F152014(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_15', f_matrix='M_15_D', f_bias=1500.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F12014


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., & Suganthan, P. N. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2014

special session and competition on single objective real-parameter numerical optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou China and Technical Report, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 635, 490.

characteristics = []
continuous = True
convex = False
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 1500.0'
linear = False
name = 'F15: Shifted and Rotated Expanded Griewank’s plus Rosenbrock’s Function'
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F162014(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_16', f_matrix='M_16_D', f_bias=1600.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F12014


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., & Suganthan, P. N. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2014

special session and competition on single objective real-parameter numerical optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou China and Technical Report, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 635, 490.

characteristics = []
continuous = True
convex = False
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 1600.0'
modality = True
name = 'F16: Shifted and Rotated Expanded Scaffer’s F6 Function'
separable = False
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F172014(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_17', f_matrix='M_17_D', f_shuffle='shuffle_data_17_D', f_bias=1700.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., & Suganthan, P. N. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2014

special session and competition on single objective real-parameter numerical optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou China and Technical Report, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 635, 490.

characteristics = ['Different properties for different variables subcomponents']
continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 1700.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F17: Hybrid Function 1'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F182014(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_18', f_matrix='M_18_D', f_shuffle='shuffle_data_18_D', f_bias=1800.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F172014


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., & Suganthan, P. N. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2014

special session and competition on single objective real-parameter numerical optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou China and Technical Report, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 635, 490.

characteristics = ['Different properties for different variables subcomponents']
continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 1800.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F18: Hybrid Function 2'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F192014(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_19', f_matrix='M_19_D', f_shuffle='shuffle_data_19_D', f_bias=1900.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F172014


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., & Suganthan, P. N. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2014

special session and competition on single objective real-parameter numerical optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou China and Technical Report, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 635, 490.

characteristics = ['Different properties for different variables subcomponents']
continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 1900.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F19: Hybrid Function 3'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F202014(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_20', f_matrix='M_20_D', f_shuffle='shuffle_data_20_D', f_bias=2000.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F192014


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., & Suganthan, P. N. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2014

special session and competition on single objective real-parameter numerical optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou China and Technical Report, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 635, 490.

characteristics = ['Different properties for different variables subcomponents']
continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 2000.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F20: Hybrid Function 4'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F212014(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_21', f_matrix='M_21_D', f_shuffle='shuffle_data_21_D', f_bias=2100.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F172014


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., & Suganthan, P. N. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2014

special session and competition on single objective real-parameter numerical optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou China and Technical Report, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 635, 490.

characteristics = ['Different properties for different variables subcomponents']
continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 2100.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F21: Hybrid Function 5'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F22014(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_2', f_matrix='M_2_D', f_bias=200.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F12014


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., & Suganthan, P. N. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2014

special session and competition on single objective real-parameter numerical optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou China and Technical Report, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 635, 490.

characteristics = ['Smooth but narrow ridge']
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 200.0'
name = 'F2: Rotated Bent Cigar Function'
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F222014(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_22', f_matrix='M_22_D', f_shuffle='shuffle_data_22_D', f_bias=2200.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F212014


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., & Suganthan, P. N. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2014

special session and competition on single objective real-parameter numerical optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou China and Technical Report, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 635, 490.

characteristics = ['Different properties for different variables subcomponents']
continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 2200.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F22: Hybrid Function 6'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F232014(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_23', f_matrix='M_23_D', f_bias=2300.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., & Suganthan, P. N. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2014

special session and competition on single objective real-parameter numerical optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou China and Technical Report, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 635, 490.

characteristics = ['Asymmetrical', 'Different properties around different local optima']
continuous = True
convex = True
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 2300.0'
linear = False
modality = False
name = 'F23: Composition Function 1'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F242014(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_24', f_matrix='M_24_D', f_bias=2400.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F232014


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., & Suganthan, P. N. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2014

special session and competition on single objective real-parameter numerical optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou China and Technical Report, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 635, 490.

characteristics = ['Asymmetrical', 'Different properties around different local optima']
convex = False
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 2400.0'
modality = True
name = 'F24: Composition Function 2'
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F252014(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_25', f_matrix='M_25_D', f_bias=2500.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F232014


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., & Suganthan, P. N. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2014

special session and competition on single objective real-parameter numerical optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou China and Technical Report, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 635, 490.

characteristics = ['Asymmetrical', 'Different properties around different local optima']
convex = False
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 2500.0'
name = 'F25: Composition Function 3'
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F262014(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_26', f_matrix='M_26_D', f_bias=2600.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F232014


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., & Suganthan, P. N. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2014

special session and competition on single objective real-parameter numerical optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou China and Technical Report, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 635, 490.

characteristics = ['Asymmetrical', 'Different properties around different local optima']
convex = False
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 2600.0'
modality = True
name = 'F26: Composition Function 4'
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F272014(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_27', f_matrix='M_27_D', f_bias=2700.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F232014


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., & Suganthan, P. N. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2014

special session and competition on single objective real-parameter numerical optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou China and Technical Report, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 635, 490.

characteristics = ['Asymmetrical', 'Different properties around different local optima']
convex = False
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 2700.0'
name = 'F27: Composition Function 5'
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F282014(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_28', f_matrix='M_28_D', f_bias=2800.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F232014


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., & Suganthan, P. N. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2014

special session and competition on single objective real-parameter numerical optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou China and Technical Report, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 635, 490.

characteristics = ['Asymmetrical', 'Different properties around different local optima']
convex = False
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 2800.0'
name = 'F28: Composition Function 6'
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F292014(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_29', f_matrix='M_29_D', f_shuffle='shuffle_data_29_D', f_bias=2900.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F232014


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., & Suganthan, P. N. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2014

special session and competition on single objective real-parameter numerical optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou China and Technical Report, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 635, 490.

characteristics = ['Asymmetrical', 'Different properties around different local optima']
convex = False
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 2900.0'
name = 'F29: Composition Function 7'
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F302014(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_30', f_matrix='M_30_D', f_shuffle='shuffle_data_30_D', f_bias=3000.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F232014


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., & Suganthan, P. N. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2014

special session and competition on single objective real-parameter numerical optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou China and Technical Report, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 635, 490.

characteristics = ['Asymmetrical', 'Different properties around different local optima', 'Different properties for different variables subcomponents']
convex = False
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 3000.0'
name = 'F30: Composition Function 8'
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F32014(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_3', f_matrix='M_3_D', f_bias=300.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F12014


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., & Suganthan, P. N. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2014

special session and competition on single objective real-parameter numerical optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou China and Technical Report, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 635, 490.

characteristics = ['With one sensitive direction']
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 300.0'
name = 'F3: Rotated Discus Function'
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F42014(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_4', f_matrix='M_4_D', f_bias=400.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F12014


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., & Suganthan, P. N. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2014

special session and competition on single objective real-parameter numerical optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou China and Technical Report, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 635, 490.

characteristics = ['Having a very narrow valley from local optimum to global optimum']
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 400.0'
name = 'F4: Shifted and Rotated Rosenbrock’s Function'
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F52014(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_5', f_matrix='M_5_D', f_bias=500.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F12014


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., & Suganthan, P. N. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2014

special session and competition on single objective real-parameter numerical optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou China and Technical Report, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 635, 490.

characteristics = ['Having a very narrow valley from local optimum to global optimum']
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 500.0'
name = 'F5: Shifted and Rotated Ackley’s Function'
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F62014(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_6', f_matrix='M_6_D', f_bias=600.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F12014


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., & Suganthan, P. N. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2014

special session and competition on single objective real-parameter numerical optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou China and Technical Report, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 635, 490.

characteristics = ['Continuous but differentiable only on a set of points']
convex = False
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 600.0'
modality = True
name = 'F6: Shifted and Rotated Weierstrass Function'
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F72014(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_7', f_matrix='M_7_D', f_bias=700.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F12014


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., & Suganthan, P. N. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2014

special session and competition on single objective real-parameter numerical optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou China and Technical Report, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 635, 490.

characteristics = ['Continuous but differentiable only on a set of points']
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 700.0'
name = 'F7: Shifted and Rotated Griewank’s Function'
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F82014(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_8', f_bias=800.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., & Suganthan, P. N. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2014

special session and competition on single objective real-parameter numerical optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou China and Technical Report, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 635, 490.

characteristics = ['Local optima’s number is huge']
continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 800.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F8: Shifted Rastrigin’s Function'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = False
scalable = True
separable = True
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F92014(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_9', f_matrix='M_9_D', f_bias=900.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2014.F12014


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., & Suganthan, P. N. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2014

special session and competition on single objective real-parameter numerical optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou China and Technical Report, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 635, 490.

characteristics = ['Local optima’s number is huge']
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 900.0'
modality = True
name = 'F9: Shifted and Rotated Rastrigin’s Function'
parametric = True
rotated = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False

opfunu.cec_based.cec2015 module

class opfunu.cec_based.cec2015.F102015(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_10_D', f_matrix='M_10_D', f_shuffle='shuffle_data_10_D', f_bias=1000.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., & Suganthan, P. N. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2014

special session and competition on single objective real-parameter numerical optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou China and Technical Report, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 635, 490.

characteristics = []
continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 1000.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F10: Hybrid Function 1 (N=3)'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2015.F112015(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_11_D', f_matrix='M_11_D', f_shuffle='shuffle_data_11_D', f_bias=1100.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2015.F102015


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., & Suganthan, P. N. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2014

special session and competition on single objective real-parameter numerical optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou China and Technical Report, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 635, 490.

characteristics = []
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 1100.0'
name = 'F11: Hybrid Function 2 (N=4)'
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2015.F12015(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_1_D', f_matrix='M_1_D', f_bias=100.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Chen, Q., Liu, B., Zhang, Q., Liang, J., Suganthan, P., & Qu, B. (2014). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for CEC 2015

special session on bound constrained single-objective computationally expensive numerical optimization. Technical Report, Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China and Technical Report, Nanyang Technological University.

characteristics = ['Smooth but narrow ridge']
continuous = True
convex = True
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 100.0'
linear = False
modality = False
name = 'F1: Rotated Bent Cigar Function'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = True
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2015.F122015(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_11_D', f_matrix='M_11_D', f_shuffle='shuffle_data_11_D', f_bias=1200.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2015.F102015


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., & Suganthan, P. N. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2014

special session and competition on single objective real-parameter numerical optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou China and Technical Report, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 635, 490.

characteristics = []
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 1200.0'
name = 'F12: Hybrid Function 3 (N=5)'
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2015.F132015(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_13_D', f_matrix='M_13_D', f_bias=1300.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., & Suganthan, P. N. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2014

special session and competition on single objective real-parameter numerical optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou China and Technical Report, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 635, 490.

characteristics = ['Asymmetrical', 'Different properties around different local optima']
continuous = False
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 1300.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F13: Composition Function 1 (N=5)'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2015.F142015(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_14_D', f_matrix='M_14_D', f_bias=1400.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2015.F132015


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., & Suganthan, P. N. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2014

special session and competition on single objective real-parameter numerical optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou China and Technical Report, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 635, 490.

evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 1400.0'
modality = False
name = 'F14: Composition Function 2 (N=3)'
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2015.F152015(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_15_D', f_matrix='M_15_D', f_bias=1500.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., & Suganthan, P. N. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2014

special session and competition on single objective real-parameter numerical optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou China and Technical Report, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 635, 490.

evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 1500.0'
modality = False
name = 'F15: Composition Function 3 (N=5)'
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2015.F22015(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_2_D', f_matrix='M_2_D', f_bias=200.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2015.F12015


Chen, Q., Liu, B., Zhang, Q., Liang, J., Suganthan, P., & Qu, B. (2014). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for CEC 2015

special session on bound constrained single-objective computationally expensive numerical optimization. Technical Report, Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China and Technical Report, Nanyang Technological University.

characteristics = ['With one sensitive direction']
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 200.0'
name = 'F2: Rotated Discus Function'
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2015.F32015(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_3_D', f_matrix='M_3_D', f_bias=300.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2015.F12015


Chen, Q., Liu, B., Zhang, Q., Liang, J., Suganthan, P., & Qu, B. (2014). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for CEC 2015

special session on bound constrained single-objective computationally expensive numerical optimization. Technical Report, Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China and Technical Report, Nanyang Technological University.

characteristics = ['Continuous but differentiable only on a set of points']
convex = False
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 300.0'
name = 'F3: Shifted and Rotated Weierstrass Function'
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2015.F42015(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_4_D', f_matrix='M_4_D', f_bias=400.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2015.F12015


Chen, Q., Liu, B., Zhang, Q., Liang, J., Suganthan, P., & Qu, B. (2014). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for CEC 2015

special session on bound constrained single-objective computationally expensive numerical optimization. Technical Report, Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China and Technical Report, Nanyang Technological University.

characteristics = ['Local optima’s number is huge', 'The second better local optimum is far from the global optimum']
convex = False
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 400.0'
modality = True
name = 'F4: Shifted and Rotated Schwefel’s Function'
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2015.F52015(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_5_D', f_matrix='M_5_D', f_bias=500.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2015.F12015


Chen, Q., Liu, B., Zhang, Q., Liang, J., Suganthan, P., & Qu, B. (2014). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for CEC 2015

special session on bound constrained single-objective computationally expensive numerical optimization. Technical Report, Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China and Technical Report, Nanyang Technological University.

characteristics = ['Continuous everywhere yet differentiable nowhere']
convex = False
differentiable = False
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 500.0'
modality = True
name = 'F5: Shifted and Rotated Katsuura Function'
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2015.F62015(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_6_D', f_matrix='M_6_D', f_bias=600.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2015.F12015


Chen, Q., Liu, B., Zhang, Q., Liang, J., Suganthan, P., & Qu, B. (2014). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for CEC 2015

special session on bound constrained single-objective computationally expensive numerical optimization. Technical Report, Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China and Technical Report, Nanyang Technological University.

characteristics = ['Continuous everywhere yet differentiable nowhere']
convex = False
differentiable = False
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 600.0'
name = 'F6: Shifted and Rotated HappyCat Function'
separable = False
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2015.F72015(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_7_D', f_matrix='M_7_D', f_bias=700.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2015.F12015


Chen, Q., Liu, B., Zhang, Q., Liang, J., Suganthan, P., & Qu, B. (2014). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for CEC 2015

special session on bound constrained single-objective computationally expensive numerical optimization. Technical Report, Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China and Technical Report, Nanyang Technological University.

characteristics = []
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 700.0'
name = 'F7: Shifted and Rotated HGBat Function'
separable = False
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2015.F82015(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_8_D', f_matrix='M_8_D', f_bias=800.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2015.F12015


Chen, Q., Liu, B., Zhang, Q., Liang, J., Suganthan, P., & Qu, B. (2014). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for CEC 2015

special session on bound constrained single-objective computationally expensive numerical optimization. Technical Report, Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China and Technical Report, Nanyang Technological University.

characteristics = []
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 800.0'
name = 'F8: Shifted and Rotated Expanded Griewank’s plus Rosenbrock’s Function'
separable = False
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2015.F92015(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_9_D', f_matrix='M_9_D', f_bias=900.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2015.F12015


Chen, Q., Liu, B., Zhang, Q., Liang, J., Suganthan, P., & Qu, B. (2014). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for CEC 2015

special session on bound constrained single-objective computationally expensive numerical optimization. Technical Report, Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China and Technical Report, Nanyang Technological University.

characteristics = []
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 900.0'
modality = True
name = 'F9: Shifted and Rotated Expanded Scaffer’s F6 Function'
separable = False
unimodal = False

opfunu.cec_based.cec2017 module

class opfunu.cec_based.cec2017.F102017(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_10', f_matrix='M_10_D', f_shuffle='shuffle_data_10_D', f_bias=1000.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2017

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Real-Parameter Numerical Optimization

characteristics = []
continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 1000.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F10: Hybrid Function 1'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2017.F112017(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_11', f_matrix='M_11_D', f_shuffle='shuffle_data_11_D', f_bias=1100.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2017.F102017


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2017

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Real-Parameter Numerical Optimization

evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 1100.0'
name = 'F11: Hybrid Function 2'
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2017.F12017(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_1', f_matrix='M_1_D', f_bias=100.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2017

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Real-Parameter Numerical Optimization

characteristics = ['Smooth but narrow ridge']
continuous = True
convex = True
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 100.0'
linear = False
modality = False
name = 'F1: Shifted and Rotated Bent Cigar'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = True
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2017.F122017(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_12', f_matrix='M_12_D', f_shuffle='shuffle_data_12_D', f_bias=1200.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2017.F102017


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2017

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Real-Parameter Numerical Optimization

evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 1200.0'
name = 'F12: Hybrid Function 3'
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2017.F132017(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_13', f_matrix='M_13_D', f_shuffle='shuffle_data_13_D', f_bias=1300.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2017.F102017


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2017

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Real-Parameter Numerical Optimization

evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 1300.0'
name = 'F13: Hybrid Function 4'
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2017.F142017(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_14', f_matrix='M_14_D', f_shuffle='shuffle_data_14_D', f_bias=1400.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2017.F102017


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2017

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Real-Parameter Numerical Optimization

evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 1400.0'
name = 'F14: Hybrid Function 5'
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2017.F152017(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_15', f_matrix='M_15_D', f_shuffle='shuffle_data_15_D', f_bias=1500.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2017.F102017


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2017

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Real-Parameter Numerical Optimization

evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 1500.0'
name = 'F15: Hybrid Function 6'
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2017.F162017(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_16', f_matrix='M_16_D', f_shuffle='shuffle_data_16_D', f_bias=1600.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2017.F102017


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2017

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Real-Parameter Numerical Optimization

evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 1600.0'
name = 'F16: Hybrid Function 7'
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2017.F172017(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_17', f_matrix='M_17_D', f_shuffle='shuffle_data_17_D', f_bias=1700.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2017.F102017


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2017

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Real-Parameter Numerical Optimization

evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 1700.0'
name = 'F17: Hybrid Function 8'
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2017.F182017(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_18', f_matrix='M_18_D', f_shuffle='shuffle_data_18_D', f_bias=1800.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2017.F102017


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2017

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Real-Parameter Numerical Optimization

evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 1800.0'
name = 'F18: Hybrid Function 9'
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2017.F192017(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_19', f_matrix='M_19_D', f_shuffle='shuffle_data_19_D', f_bias=1900.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2017.F102017


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2017

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Real-Parameter Numerical Optimization

evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 1900.0'
name = 'F19: Hybrid Function 10'
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2017.F202017(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_21', f_matrix='M_21_D', f_bias=2000.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2017

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Real-Parameter Numerical Optimization

characteristics = ['Asymmetrical', 'Different properties around different local optima']
continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 2000.0'
linear = False
modality = False
name = 'F20: Composition Function 1'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2017.F212017(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_22', f_matrix='M_22_D', f_bias=2100.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2017.F202017


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2017

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Real-Parameter Numerical Optimization

characteristics = ['Asymmetrical', 'Different properties around different local optima']
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 2100.0'
modality = True
name = 'F21: Composition Function 2'
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2017.F22017(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_2', f_matrix='M_2_D', f_bias=200.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2017.F12017


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2017

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Real-Parameter Numerical Optimization

characteristics = []
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 200.0'
name = 'F2: Shifted and Rotated Zakharov Function'
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2017.F222017(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_23', f_matrix='M_23_D', f_bias=2200.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2017.F202017


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2017

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Real-Parameter Numerical Optimization

characteristics = ['Asymmetrical', 'Different properties around different local optima']
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 2200.0'
modality = True
name = 'F22: Composition Function 3'
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2017.F232017(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_24', f_matrix='M_24_D', f_bias=2300.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2017.F202017


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2017

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Real-Parameter Numerical Optimization

characteristics = ['Asymmetrical', 'Different properties around different local optima']
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 2300.0'
modality = True
name = 'F23: Composition Function 4'
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2017.F242017(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_25', f_matrix='M_25_D', f_bias=2400.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2017.F202017


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2017

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Real-Parameter Numerical Optimization

characteristics = ['Asymmetrical', 'Different properties around different local optima']
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 2400.0'
modality = True
name = 'F24: Composition Function 5'
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2017.F252017(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_26', f_matrix='M_26_D', f_bias=2500.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2017.F202017


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2017

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Real-Parameter Numerical Optimization

characteristics = ['Asymmetrical', 'Different properties around different local optima']
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 2500.0'
modality = True
name = 'F25: Composition Function 6'
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2017.F262017(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_27', f_matrix='M_27_D', f_bias=2600.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2017.F202017


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2017

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Real-Parameter Numerical Optimization

characteristics = ['Asymmetrical', 'Different properties around different local optima']
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 2600.0'
modality = True
name = 'F26: Composition Function 7'
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2017.F272017(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_28', f_matrix='M_28_D', f_bias=2700.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2017.F202017


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2017

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Real-Parameter Numerical Optimization

characteristics = ['Asymmetrical', 'Different properties around different local optima']
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 2700.0'
name = 'F27: Composition Function 8'
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2017.F282017(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_29', f_matrix='M_29_D', f_shuffle='shuffle_data_29_D', f_bias=2800.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2017.F202017


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2017

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Real-Parameter Numerical Optimization

characteristics = ['Asymmetrical', 'Different properties around different local optima', 'Different properties for different variables subcomponents']
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 2800.0'
name = 'F28: Composition Function 9'
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2017.F292017(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_30', f_matrix='M_30_D', f_shuffle='shuffle_data_30_D', f_bias=2900.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2017.F202017


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2017

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Real-Parameter Numerical Optimization

characteristics = ['Asymmetrical', 'Different properties around different local optima', 'Different properties for different variables subcomponents']
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 2900.0'
name = 'F29: Composition Function 10'
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2017.F32017(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_3', f_matrix='M_3_D', f_bias=300.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2017.F12017


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2017

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Real-Parameter Numerical Optimization

characteristics = ['Local optima’s number is huge']
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 300.0'
modality = True
name = 'F3: Shifted and Rotated Rosenbrock’s Function'
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2017.F42017(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_4', f_matrix='M_4_D', f_bias=400.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2017.F12017


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2017

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Real-Parameter Numerical Optimization

characteristics = ['Local optima’s number is huge', 'The second better local optimum is far from the global optimum']
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 400.0'
modality = True
name = 'F4: Shifted and Rotated Rastrigin’s Function'
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2017.F52017(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_5', f_matrix='M_5_D', f_bias=500.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2017.F12017


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2017

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Real-Parameter Numerical Optimization

characteristics = ['Asymmetrical', 'Local optima’s number is huge']
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 500.0'
modality = True
name = 'F5: Shifted and Rotated Schaffer’s F7 Function'
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2017.F62017(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_6', f_matrix='M_6_D', f_bias=600.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2017.F12017


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2017

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Real-Parameter Numerical Optimization

characteristics = ['Asymmetrical', 'Continuous everywhere yet differentiable nowhere']
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 600.0'
modality = True
name = 'F6: Shifted and Rotated Lunacek Bi-Rastrigin’s Function'
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2017.F72017(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_7', f_matrix='M_7_D', f_bias=700.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2017.F12017


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2017

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Real-Parameter Numerical Optimization

characteristics = ['Asymmetrical', 'Local optima’s number is huge']
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 700.0'
modality = True
name = 'F7: Shifted and Rotated Non-Continuous Rastrigin’s Function'
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2017.F82017(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_8', f_matrix='M_8_D', f_bias=800.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2017.F12017


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2017

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Real-Parameter Numerical Optimization

characteristics = ['Local optima’s number is huge']
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 800.0'
modality = True
name = 'F8: Shifted and Rotated Levy Function'
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2017.F92017(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_9', f_matrix='M_9_D', f_bias=900.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2017.F12017


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2017

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Real-Parameter Numerical Optimization

characteristics = ['Local optima’s number is huge', 'The second better local optimum is far from the global optimum']
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 900.0'
modality = True
name = 'F9: Shifted and Rotated Schwefel’s Function'
unimodal = False

opfunu.cec_based.cec2019 module

class opfunu.cec_based.cec2019.F102019(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_10', f_matrix='M_10_D', f_bias=1.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2019.F42019


The 100-Digit Challenge: Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the 100-Digit

Challenge Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Numerical Optimization

characteristics = []
convex = False
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 1.0'
modality = False
name = 'F10: Shifted and Rotated Ackley Function'
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2019.F12019(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_1', f_bias=1.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


The 100-Digit Challenge: Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the 100-Digit

Challenge Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Numerical Optimization

characteristics = ['Multimodal with one global minimum', 'Very highly conditioned', 'fully parameter-dependent']
continuous = False
convex = False
differentiable = False
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 1.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F1: Storn’s Chebyshev Polynomial Fitting Problem'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = False
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2019.F22019(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_2', f_bias=1.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


The 100-Digit Challenge: Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the 100-Digit

Challenge Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Numerical Optimization

characteristics = ['Multimodal with one global minimum', 'Very highly conditioned', 'fully parameter-dependent']
continuous = False
convex = False
differentiable = False
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 1.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F2: Inverse Hilbert Matrix Problem'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = False
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2019.F32019(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_3', f_bias=1.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


The 100-Digit Challenge: Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the 100-Digit

Challenge Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Numerical Optimization

**Note: The CEC 2019 implementation and this implementation results match when x* = [0,…,0] and

characteristics = ['Multimodal with one global minimum', 'Very highly conditioned', 'fully parameter-dependent']
continuous = False
convex = False
differentiable = False
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 1.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F3: Lennard-Jones Minimum Energy Cluster Problem'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = False
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2019.F42019(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_4', f_matrix='M_1_D', f_bias=1.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


The 100-Digit Challenge: Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the 100-Digit

Challenge Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Numerical Optimization

characteristics = ['Local optima’s number is huge', 'The penultimate optimum is far from the global optimum']
continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 1.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F4: Shifted and Rotated Rastrigin’s Function'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2019.F52019(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_5', f_matrix='M_5_D', f_bias=1.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2019.F42019


The 100-Digit Challenge: Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the 100-Digit

Challenge Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Numerical Optimization

characteristics = []
convex = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 1.0'
modality = False
name = 'F5: Shifted and Rotated Griewank’s Function'
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2019.F62019(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_6', f_matrix='M_6_D', f_bias=1.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2019.F42019


The 100-Digit Challenge: Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the 100-Digit

Challenge Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Numerical Optimization

characteristics = ['Local optima’s number is huge']
convex = False
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 1.0'
modality = True
name = 'F6: Shifted and Rotated Weierstrass Function'
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2019.F72019(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_7', f_matrix='M_7_D', f_bias=1.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2019.F42019


The 100-Digit Challenge: Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the 100-Digit

Challenge Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Numerical Optimization

characteristics = ['Local optima’s number is huge']
convex = False
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 1.0'
modality = True
name = 'F7: Shifted and Rotated Schwefel’s Function'
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2019.F82019(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_8', f_matrix='M_8_D', f_bias=1.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2019.F42019


The 100-Digit Challenge: Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the 100-Digit

Challenge Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Numerical Optimization

characteristics = ['Local optima’s number is huge']
convex = False
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 1.0'
modality = True
name = 'F8: Shifted and Rotated Expanded Schaffer’s F6 Function'
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2019.F92019(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_9', f_matrix='M_9_D', f_bias=1.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2019.F42019


The 100-Digit Challenge: Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the 100-Digit

Challenge Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Numerical Optimization

characteristics = []
convex = False
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 1.0'
modality = False
name = 'F9: Shifted and Rotated Happy Cat Function'

opfunu.cec_based.cec2020 module

class opfunu.cec_based.cec2020.F102020(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_25', f_matrix='M_25_D', f_bias=2500.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2020

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Bound Constrained Numerical Optimization

characteristics = ['Asymmetrical', 'Different properties around different local optima']
continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 2500.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F10: Composition Function 3 (F24 CEC-2017)'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2020.F12020(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_1', f_matrix='M_1_D', f_bias=100.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2020

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Bound Constrained Numerical Optimization

characteristics = ['Smooth but narrow ridge']
continuous = True
convex = True
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 100.0'
linear = False
modality = False
name = 'F1: Shifted and Rotated Bent Cigar Function (F1 CEC-2017)'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = True
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2020.F22020(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_2', f_matrix='M_2_D', f_bias=1100.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2020

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Bound Constrained Numerical Optimization

characteristics = ['Local optima’s number is huge', 'The penultimate local optimum is far from the global optimum.']
continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 1100.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F2: Shifted and Rotated Schwefel’s Function (F11 CEC-2014)'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2020.F32020(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_3', f_matrix='M_3_D', f_bias=700.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2020

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Bound Constrained Numerical Optimization

characteristics = ['Asymmetrical', 'Continuous everywhere yet differentiable nowhere']
continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = False
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 700.0'
linear = False
modality = False
name = 'F3: Shifted and Rotated Lunacek bi-Rastrigin Function (F7 CEC-2017)'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2020.F42020(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_4', f_matrix='M_4_D', f_bias=1900.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2020

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Bound Constrained Numerical Optimization

characteristics = ['Optimal point locates in flat area']
continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 1900.0'
linear = False
modality = False
name = 'F4: Expanded Rosenbrock’s plus Griewank’s Function (F15 CEC-2014)'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2020.F52020(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_6', f_matrix='M_6_D', f_shuffle='shuffle_data_6_D', f_bias=1700.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2020

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Bound Constrained Numerical Optimization

characteristics = ['Different properties for different variables subcomponents']
continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 1700.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F17: Hybrid Function 1 (F17 CEC-2014)'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2020.F62020(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_7', f_matrix='M_7_D', f_shuffle='shuffle_data_7_D', f_bias=1600.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2020

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Bound Constrained Numerical Optimization

characteristics = []
continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 1600.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F16: Hybrid Function 2 (F15 CEC-2017)'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2020.F72020(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_16', f_matrix='M_16_D', f_shuffle='shuffle_data_16_D', f_bias=2100.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2020

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Bound Constrained Numerical Optimization

characteristics = ['Different properties for different variables subcomponents']
continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 2100.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F7: Hybrid Function 3 (F21 CEC-2014)'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2020.F82020(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_22', f_matrix='M_22_D', f_bias=2200.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2020

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Bound Constrained Numerical Optimization

characteristics = ['Asymmetrical', 'Different properties around different local optima']
continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 2200.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F8: Composition Function 1 (F21 CEC-2017)'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2020.F92020(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_24', f_matrix='M_24_D', f_bias=2400.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2020

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Bound Constrained Numerical Optimization

characteristics = ['Asymmetrical', 'Different properties around different local optima']
continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 2400.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F9: Composition Function 2 (F23 CEC-2017)'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False

opfunu.cec_based.cec2021 module

class opfunu.cec_based.cec2021.F102021(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_10', f_matrix='M_10_D', f_bias=2500.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2021

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Bound Constrained Numerical Optimization

characteristics = ['Asymmetrical', 'Different properties around different local optima']
continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 2500.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F10: Composition Function 3 (F24 CEC-2017)'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2021.F12021(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_1', f_matrix='M_1_D', f_bias=100.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2021

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Bound Constrained Numerical Optimization

characteristics = ['Smooth but narrow ridge']
continuous = True
convex = True
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 100.0'
linear = False
modality = False
name = 'F1: Shifted and Rotated Bent Cigar Function (F1 CEC-2017)'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = True
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2021.F22021(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_2', f_matrix='M_2_D', f_bias=1100.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2021

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Bound Constrained Numerical Optimization

characteristics = ['Local optima’s number is huge', 'The penultimate local optimum is far from the global optimum.']
continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 1100.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F2: Shifted and Rotated Schwefel’s Function (F11 CEC-2014)'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2021.F32021(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_3', f_matrix='M_3_D', f_bias=700.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2021

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Bound Constrained Numerical Optimization

characteristics = ['Asymmetrical', 'Continuous everywhere yet differentiable nowhere']
continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = False
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 700.0'
linear = False
modality = False
name = 'F3: Shifted and Rotated Lunacek bi-Rastrigin Function (F7 CEC-2017)'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2021.F42021(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_4', f_matrix='M_4_D', f_bias=1900.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2021

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Bound Constrained Numerical Optimization

characteristics = ['Optimal point locates in flat area']
continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 1900.0'
linear = False
modality = False
name = 'F4: Expanded Rosenbrock’s plus Griewangk’s Function (F15 CEC-2014)'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2021.F52021(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_5', f_matrix='M_5_D', f_shuffle='shuffle_data_5_D', f_bias=1700.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2021

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Bound Constrained Numerical Optimization

characteristics = ['Different properties for different variables subcomponents']
continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 1700.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F17: Hybrid Function 1 (F17 CEC-2014)'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2021.F62021(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_6', f_matrix='M_6_D', f_shuffle='shuffle_data_6_D', f_bias=1600.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2021

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Bound Constrained Numerical Optimization

characteristics = []
continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 1600.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F16: Hybrid Function 2 (F15 CEC-2017)'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2021.F72021(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_7', f_matrix='M_7_D', f_shuffle='shuffle_data_7_D', f_bias=2100.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2021

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Bound Constrained Numerical Optimization

characteristics = ['Different properties for different variables subcomponents']
continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 2100.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F7: Hybrid Function 3 (F21 CEC-2014)'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2021.F82021(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_8', f_matrix='M_8_D', f_bias=2200.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2021

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Bound Constrained Numerical Optimization

characteristics = ['Asymmetrical', 'Different properties around different local optima']
continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 2200.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F8: Composition Function 1 (F21 CEC-2017)'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2021.F92021(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_9', f_matrix='M_9_D', f_bias=2400.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2021

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Bound Constrained Numerical Optimization

characteristics = ['Asymmetrical', 'Different properties around different local optima']
continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 2400.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F9: Composition Function 2 (F23 CEC-2017)'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False

opfunu.cec_based.cec2022 module

class opfunu.cec_based.cec2022.F102022(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_10', f_matrix='M_10_D', f_bias=2400.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2022

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Bound Constrained Numerical Optimization

characteristics = ['Asymmetrical', 'Different properties around different local optima']
continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 2400.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F10: Composition Function 2'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2022.F112022(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_11', f_matrix='M_11_D', f_bias=2600.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2022

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Bound Constrained Numerical Optimization

characteristics = ['Asymmetrical', 'Different properties around different local optima']
continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 2600.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F11: Composition Function 3'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2022.F12022(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_1', f_matrix='M_1_D', f_bias=300.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2022

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Bound Constrained Numerical Optimization

characteristics = []
continuous = True
convex = True
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 300.0'
linear = False
modality = False
name = 'F1: Shifted and full Rotated Zakharov Function'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = True
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2022.F122022(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_12', f_matrix='M_12_D', f_bias=2700.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2022

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Bound Constrained Numerical Optimization

characteristics = ['Asymmetrical', 'Different properties around different local optima']
continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 2700.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F12: Composition Function 4'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2022.F22022(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_2', f_matrix='M_2_D', f_bias=400.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2022.F12022


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2022

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Bound Constrained Numerical Optimization

characteristics = ['Local optima’s number is huge']
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 400.0'
modality = True
name = 'F2: Shifted and Rotated Rosenbrock’s Function'
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2022.F32022(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_3', f_matrix='M_3_D', f_bias=600.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2022.F12022


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2022

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Bound Constrained Numerical Optimization

characteristics = ['Asymmetrical', 'Local optima’s number is huge']
convex = False
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 600.0'
modality = True
name = 'F3: Shifted and full Rotated Expanded Schaffer’s F7'
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2022.F42022(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_4', f_matrix='M_4_D', f_bias=800.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2022.F12022


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2022

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Bound Constrained Numerical Optimization

characteristics = ['Asymmetrical', 'Local optima’s number is huge']
convex = False
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 800.0'
modality = True
name = 'F4: Shifted and Rotated Non-Continuous Rastrigin’s Function'
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2022.F52022(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_5', f_matrix='M_5_D', f_bias=900.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec2022.F12022


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2022

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Bound Constrained Numerical Optimization

characteristics = ['Local optima’s number is huge']
convex = False
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 900.0'
modality = True
name = 'F5: Shifted and Rotated Levy Function'
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2022.F62022(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_6', f_matrix='M_6_D', f_shuffle='shuffle_data_6_D', f_bias=1800.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2022

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Bound Constrained Numerical Optimization

characteristics = ['Different properties for different variables subcomponents']
continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 1800.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F6: Hybrid Function 1'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2022.F72022(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_7', f_matrix='M_7_D', f_shuffle='shuffle_data_7_D', f_bias=2000.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2022

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Bound Constrained Numerical Optimization

characteristics = ['Different properties for different variables subcomponents']
continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 2000.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F7: Hybrid Function 2'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2022.F82022(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_8', f_matrix='M_8_D', f_shuffle='shuffle_data_8_D', f_bias=2200.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2022

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Bound Constrained Numerical Optimization

characteristics = ['Different properties for different variables subcomponents']
continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 2200.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F8: Hybrid Function 3'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False
class opfunu.cec_based.cec2022.F92022(ndim=None, bounds=None, f_shift='shift_data_9', f_matrix='M_9_D', f_bias=2300.0)[source]

Bases: opfunu.cec_based.cec.CecBenchmark


Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2022

Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Bound Constrained Numerical Optimization

characteristics = ['Asymmetrical', 'Different properties around different local optima']
continuous = True
convex = False
differentiable = True
evaluate(x, *args)[source]

Evaluation of the benchmark function.


x (np.ndarray) – The candidate vector for evaluating the benchmark problem. Must have len(x) == self.ndim.


val – the evaluated benchmark function

Return type


latex_formula = 'F_1(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^D z_i^2 + bias, z=x-o,\\\\ x=[x_1, ..., x_D]; o=[o_1, ..., o_D]: \\text{the shifted global optimum}'
latex_formula_bounds = 'x_i \\in [-100.0, 100.0], \\forall i \\in  [1, D]'
latex_formula_dimension = '2 <= D <= 100'
latex_formula_global_optimum = '\\text{Global optimum: } x^* = o, F_1(x^*) = bias = 2300.0'
linear = False
modality = True
name = 'F9: Composition Function 1'
parametric = True
randomized_term = False
rotated = True
scalable = True
separable = False
shifted = True
unimodal = False